Walking along the Seine, we saw signs for this oceanographic museum we had wanted to check out. It was closed today, but part of the building is covered in living greens which we thought was pretty cool.
We made it to the art exhibit, but instead of being outdoors like we thought, it was in some sort of giant palace/museum that required money to enter and also another wait in a line around the corner. We regrouped and opted to keep the death march going and walk over to Notre Dame and hit a good ice cream place before heading back to the apartment.
On the way, we crossed a street with a good view of the Arc de Triomphe. I did not come as close to getting hit by a car as these two pictures make it seem.
I'd say we made it about 75% of the way to Notre Dame before we took a break on a bench and looked at the map and realized we had maybe another mile to go. We decided to raincheck for another day this week and walked another block or so down the street so we could see it, but didn't go all the way over. Instead we broke off and walked back to the apartment, stopping to get gelato at the place we stopped at yesterday. The proximity of the gelato shop to our quitting point may or may not have played a part in our decision.
After collapsing in the apartment for an hour, we got our legs back and walked to a market to do some grocery shopping. Dinner tonight was smelly cheese and baguette with some jam on the side. We picked up some kind of sweet cookies for dessert (fondant au chocolat?) and I also got a bag of potato chips because hey I'm on vacation.
Ian Holm was not available.
Tomorrow I think we're checking out the natural history museum and a nearby garden.
If you'll excuse me, I must check and make sure that AS is actually reading a book in the other room and not quietly resenting me for not proposing to her at the Eiffel Tower.