COINCIDENTALLY, the dancing poodles shop is only a few doors down from our good ice cream place, Berthillon, so we figured we might as well each get a triple scoop of chocolate noir.
Berthillon, which was closed when we went earlier in the week, was open today but when we got there they didn't have the chocolate noir flavor that we were craving. So we actually went back to the little cafe just down the street and got our cones there. The girl serving us was baffled that we wanted three scoops of the same flavor. Also, the size of a "triple scoop" in France is about the size of a single scoop in the U.S. Anywhere I've ever been in the US a triple scoop would've been the size of a softball.
Along those same lines, the girls we had lunch with yesterday told us that the portions at McDonald's in France are much smaller than the portions in America. Apparently the largest size you can order in France is the smallest size you can order in America. Fascinating/U-S-A! U-S-A!
Invigorated from our ice cream cones, we somehow found the strength to stop at the macaron bakery again on the walk home. This time we remembered to take a photo. We got chocolate, vanilla, raspberry, and coffee today. Dinner was more cheese and baguette. We should be polishing off our second brick of cheese at breakfast tomorrow.
AS managed to get a snapshot of a cloudy sunset looking out the bedroom of the apartment. It was brisk today and cloudy but it didn't rain. We've been pretty lucky with weather all week.
AS's parents are flying in tomorrow morning to start their four week stint in Paris. Not sure what's on the docket since they'll be jetlagged, but maybe a walk in a nearby garden. We'll definitely enjoy a family lunch and dinner out on the town.
Oooo, speaking of being fat, I just remembered I have half a nutella and banana crepe in the fridge that I couldn't fit in my gullet last night. It calls to me. So long, suckers!