Friday, December 31, 2010
2010 Reflections: Artful Stew
2010 Reflections: Love
2010 Reflections: Kidney
2010 Reflections: Jobs
Best Reviewed Movies 2010
while I have to admit that I turn to metacritic more often than I do to Rotten Tomatoes for my initial thoughts on whether I should go see a movie or not, I do prefer the way that Rotten Tomatoes goes about their reviewing system.
Yes, NY Times may not think, "I Love You, Man" deserves more than a 60, but I still really enjoyed it. Just because a movie doesn't get high ratings from critical thinkers doesn't mean it's not enjoyable, and that, sometimes, is more important to me.
'I Am' Trailer: Pretty Cool
The Year in Politics...
I Miss Sunny!
I miss my puppy, Sunny, a lot now that we're back in New York. Our toy poodle (and by that I mean stuffed not miniature, and by stuffed I mean toy, not stuffed like a dead animal) O'Doodle just isn't cutting it, as cute and huggable as he is. Admittedly, though, he works for New York because he doesn't mind our small apartment and he doesn't need walks or food or water or anything besides the occasional dusting. Plus, it's pretty fun to put him outside the bathroom or by the front door when one of us is about to enter or leave and surprise them.
Speaking of Writing Tips...
Writing Tips: Zing!
"Send a Hello" Stamps of 2011: Pixar!
This is the main reason that m(any) of you will be getting mail from me after August 19, 2011: Pixar postage stamps, courtesy of the United States Postal Service. They even have a WALL-E one!!
Futurama Table Read
Steve Martin: Tweeter Extraordinnaire
Can't Read My Present Face!
Rally to Restore Fear and/or Sanity: The Biggest News Story of 2010?
Huge Kidney News!
Looking Back, Pixelated!
Kodachrome's Last Roll
Happy Dog Story for New Year's Eve!
More Holiday Dogs!
How to Beat a Cold This Winter
If you do get sick, don’t blow your nose too hard. Nose blowing doesn’t relieve stuffiness. A stuffy nose doesn’t result from too much mucus but rather, from the swelling of blood vessels in your turbinates—the spongy shelves lining the sidewalls of your nasal passages—which you don’t particularly want to expel. Also, forceful nose-blowing can drive nasal secretions into your sinuses, where they can cause secondary infections. - Jennifer Ackerman, The Daily Beast
Fun with Dough: The NY Times Gets Crumby
The Restaurant of 2011?
Best Food of 2010: A Reflection on Serious Eats' Peoples' Choice Awards
A Hyperbole and a Half Christmas Story
Notable Kidney News
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Why I Haven't Blogged: Or, Snowed in, in Dallas
Friday, December 17, 2010
Top 30 Dogs of 2010
Cinescape 2010
[You can read more about Cinescape over at /Film]
The 50 Greatest Movie Monologues
Filmography 2010: Decent Year in Films, Great Year in Compilation
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Toy Story 3 (and Pixar!): By the Numbers
I read this first on /film. Milo put up an awesome infographic on Toy Story 3's monetary breakdown since its release. It includes Toy Story 3's box office earning compared to other Pixar films as well as a bunch of fun facts about merchandise and the like, as well.
I think the most interesting part of the graphic is how different Pixar films have fared at the box office compared to one another. Looking at the box office numbers, it's interesting that Pixar decided to go with Cars and Monsters Inc sequels instead of something like Finding Nemo or The Incredibles. Then again, Cars is John Lasseter's baby, so it's not too much of a surprise. Cars 2 is definitely the Pixar movie I'm least excited about, especially after seeing a trailer and reading the synopsis, but Pixar's surprised me before, so I'm hoping they surprise me again. We shall see!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Happy Monkey Day!

Apparently, today is Monkey Day! A day to raise awareness about the adorableness of monkeys and their many troubles in this world of ours. Monkeys need our help, and not just in the world of cuddling. Since I have a job and am very important, here is a blog that is entirely devoted to monkeys, especially on this special day, and their post for today.
[image via Petpostive]
Monday, December 13, 2010
Food Revolution NYC!
I find the initiative on city-wide composting particularly interesting.
Nate's Cartoons is Back!

In case you all had been missing Nate's Cartoons desperately, you can read two cartoons a week over at Smosh and one cartoon a week at Nate's Cartoons.
Today's is particularly amazing. Enjoy!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Voice in the Vent: In His Own Little Corner
1) His own little corner was clearly not as much his own as he believed it to be, as I was sharing part of it, at least aurally. Also, another male voice interrupted him halfway through, so I was left to finish the song on my own, hoping that the vent would work as a two-way system. I don't believe it is, but mainly because whenever I say, "Bless you!" when I hear a sneeze, I have not yet gotten a "Thank you!" in return, and I prefer not to think that they're just rude.
2) I was in a severely abridged musical version of "Cinderella" when I was in 5th grade. I was the youngest in my acting class, which meant, for some reason, I had to play the old king. I still don't understand why I was cast as this part, but maybe it was because the king was supposed to be goofy, short, and clumsy, and I definitely embody those three traits. I really was annoyed that I wasn't Cinderella, though, because "In My Own Little Corner" is a lovely song and I really wanted a solo. I also wanted to kiss a prince on stage! Thinking back, though, I don't remember our prince to be all that handsome.
Thanks for the good memories, VITV! I can't wait to hear your version of, "The Lobster Quadrille" from the musical version of "Alice in Wonderland." In that one, I played the griffin - a way cooler part, indeed.
Simon's Cat: Santa Claws
Anywho, apparently the bf's kitties used to climb up in their trees and knock them over all the time. I can't really blame them, though. It looks like a ton of fun. What about you guys? Did your kitties or other animals ever attack your holiday/indoor tree/treelike object, Christmas variety or otherwise?
Cat Diaries
It definitely makes the lives of kitties more interesting, but possibly because they left out the 14 hours wherein the cat is either sleeping or licking its butt.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Big Cat Christmas!
Watch the kitties rub stuff, gnaw stuff, and play with stuff! They're having a great time, and so will you this holiday season! But only if you watch this adorable video (seriously, it's one of the rules this year. I have no idea why. Take it up with the cats).
PS. I think they doused everything in catnip. Don't you? Why else would they be rubbing themselves all over everything?
Sunday, December 5, 2010
300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hilarious Humor Article in Generally Serious Magazine
Baby Otter Swimming Lesson!
Cookie Monster Auditions for SNL
Making Muppets with the Master
Labradoodle Lookalike!
To celebrate how ingenious our furry friends are, I'd like to highlight the adorableness of The Daily Puppy's featured puppy of the day, Benni the Labradoodle. Not only is he adorable, but he also looks strikingly similar to one of the lovable mutts in my office, Frankie. Frankie lacks that signature white patch on the tummy, though, so Benni may just win in cuteness (just don't tell that to Frankie's owner!).
Dogs: Smarter than Cats (Duh)
Food: Safer
Since it's the Senate, naturally there's a lot of good stuff missing, too, but this is better than nothing. My favorite aspect of the bill is that it requires a lot more inspections of food manufacturers and big farms. This will be a huge step in combating all the grossness that goes on in big food plants.
Although the Senate passed the bill, they'll still have to negotiate with the House, and quickly, too, before this Congress' session ends.
Can they do it? They better, because this bill's too good to pass up, and too good not to pass.
Happiness: A Study
Soon We Will All Be Frankensteins
This is almost too creepy to be cool, am I right? I think we may soon be crossing the uncanny valley of vampire-ism, zombie-ism, or humanoid-robot-ism very soon.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Spoiler Alert: Rich People Aren't Great at Empathy
Happy Thanksgiving!
There's Gold in Them Thar Trees!
An Informative HowStuffWorks Article on Exercise
More Harry Potter Fun!
PFD Reality?
If WiFi can make trees sick...
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 was Awesome!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
New Post on Puppies at Hyperbole and a Half!
The post is here.
I like all the drawings of dogs (I really need to learn how to draw dogs this well). The story's cute, too, but, I have to be honest, if I picked up and moved my life across the country, I'd be asking like a puppy who's gone all insaneoid, as well.
Are You Seeing Harry Potter 7: Part 1 This Weekend?
Plus, I have a sneaking suspicion that certain family members will want to see it over Thanksgiving, as well, so I should have plenty of chances to see Harry and the gang in action.
So far, it's gotten pretty awesome reviews, so that's a bonus, too.
What do you guys think? Are you excited?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
My Life VS The Internet: A Blog Post
My former roommate is great with the internet. She and the internet are in the perfect relationship. They hang out all the time, sure, but they’ve also got mutual friends they hang out with, too. She’ll tweet and facebook about some hip new trend, but then all that tweeting and facebooking will get her invited to some shmancy event and then she’ll tweet all about it and then those tweets will lead to more events and so on and so forth. Whereas I’ll have plans to hang out with a friend I haven’t seen in years, but my uber-controlling boyfriend the internet is all, “No, you’re staying home to watch these tigers eating pumpkins. That’s what we’re doing tonight.” A stronger woman would walk out on it, but I’m weak and lazy, so I reply, “Fine, but you better still love me when I’m fat.” And that’s when it starts pushing free online pilates videos on me. The bastard.
We’re in one of those relationships where I cannot function without it for more than twenty minutes. The last time I was on a job interview, the interviewer asked, “So, what news stories are you interesed in right now?” I stared at her for over a minute, mouth agape. I couldn’t think of a single thing. I had forgotten everything I just read! It’s like I hadn’t been checking Google News in days instead of minutes. It’s even worse with my friends. There’s no pressure to know political theory with your friends, but you do have to have a basic knowledge of what’s going on in the world. They’ll all be laughing about the hilarious thing some idiot politician said, and I’ll pretend to go along with it, but I’m really just thinking, “What’s going on?” When I get back to my computer, I look it up and finally get the joke. But my computer can’t laugh with me. I’m so inundated with information that I can’t actually remember any of it. The internet has turned my brain into mush, and someday it will turn it into liquid. I'm hoping for Kool-Aid, preferably cherry-flavored.
But at the same time, like in any bad relationship, there are things about it I love. My main obsession: Google Reader. It’s a website that conglomerates all the blogs I follow into one uber-website. A number on the sidebar of the site states how many unread articles I have. Basically, it’s a game I can never win. The goal: to read the entire internet, even the boring parts I don’t like - like “Tom Selleck Sandwich Waterfall,” which hasn’t been cool for months, or “Men Staring at Bricks,” which is just plain boring - just so I can see the Google Reader number tick down from 1000+ to 500 to 5 to 0. But just when I think I’ve hit zero, Gawker’s all “Snooky just had a threeway with Tiger Woods and a pineapple! You’ll never guess who’s the better the lover? Spoiler alert: it’s the pineapple!” And then the game begins anew.
Plus, GReader (or “greader”) has these folders which you can file articles you like into. So when I come across something called “10 Best Financial Tips for 23 year olds,” I can just put that article in my “financial tips” file and then never read it, but think that I’m super smart for thinking I should read it. I’ve got book folders, gift folders, vacation folders - folders for safety tips, home tips, green tips, health tips, self improvement tips, waiter tips. I think if someone who doesn’t know me just learned about me by reading what I have saved on my GReader, they’d think I was really smart, talented, well rounded, and handy with a monkey wrench. But they’d also be really jealous of me because I’d be super perfect. When they found out I’ve never even read most of those articles, they’d think, “Yeah, that’s about right.” Not disappointed, just a little relieved. I’m like one of those old ladies who cuts out coupons from thousands of catalogues but never buys anything. And I always thought those ladies were super crazy. But it just turns out they were testing the waters for the internet generation. Now we’re all those crazy coupon ladies. And I say, let’s embrace it.
Because that’s how we are - we want to know more and do more and be more, but that takes a lot of effort. And you know what doesn’t take effort? Clicking on the “things I want at my wedding” tab when I see that recipe for sour apple cream cupcakes. Because I’m not going to set up a savings CD anytime soon (is that a thing? I think that's a thing), but I sure as shit want to make sure I remind myself to try those sour apple cream cupcakes when I start planning for my wedding at some indeterminate point in the future (I'm not even engaged). The internet may be this fun-fact spouting boyfriend who’s only pleasure in life is giving me just enough instant gratification so that I forget that there’s a real world out there I could be contributing to, but isn’t it a little hubristic of me to think that I could actually contribute something meaningful to society anyway? Then I think about posting something meaningful like this on my blog, but I forget about it and post that video of tigers eating pumpkins. Because that’s super cute and super fun and what else am I doing anyway?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
So Many More Harry Potter Clips!
Read this Article
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Big Cat Halloween
Animation of the Gettysburg Address
Gettysburg Address from Adam Gault on Vimeo.
Mountaintop Removal Mining can Take a Hike
Now if we could just get rid of fracking and dirty coal power plants, we'd really be in business!
Rally Feedback
The Good Side of Life
Even More Harry Potter Featurettes!
Animation News You Can Use
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Election Day!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thanks for Attending and Happy Halloween!
Needless to say, I spent today sleeping, eating candy, taking naps, and eating more candy.
Happy Halloween, Readers!
You Can't Patent Genes!
You can read more of the NY Times article here (though, beware, there may be a paywall - silly NY Times!).
Goldendoodle VS Goldendoodle
The Dirtiest Attack Ads Ever
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
More Harry Potter Making Of Videos!
Therefore, I'll only post the links. That being said, these are really fun behind-the-scenes clips of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and you should totally watch them!
Epic Finale
The Story
Forest Run
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Animal Stare Down
Goldendoodle on my Noodle!
This Goldendoodle looks more like a scruffy Golden Retriever than a Golden Retriever-Poodle mix, but he's still super cute! Look at those puppy paws! Thanks, as always, to The Daily Puppy.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Making Of Online
Monday, October 25, 2010
A Game of Cat and Mouse is Always One-Sided
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Today's Words Are: Writing for Sesame Street
A Bomb Full of Kittens!
Friday, October 22, 2010
On Justin Bieber
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Dining on a Budget
Obviously, it argues that eating out is way more expensive to your wallet and your waist than cooking at home. I've been cooking at home way more (and when I say "I" I mean my boyfriend, which has been awesome!) and it's been great. He'll make a meal that will last me for lunch/dinner for the whole week. It's tasty, healthy, and affordable.
We do go out once or twice a weekend. Going out to eat is a special thing to do for us. We don't go to just any place, but rather places that are fun and serve high quality food. Otherwise, what's the point? Since I don't drink, going to a fancy dinner makes for a great date or friendship gathering, so I don't waste it on a lame restaurant.
That being said, in college I dined out or ordered in all the time. I was too busy and tired to cook. The options were usually cheap or healthy, though, since it's really tough to find cheap and healthy food out there - especially in a campus situation (even a campus in New York situation).
How about you, Readers? Do you cook more or go out more? Which do you prefer? What's your dining philosophy?
Monday, October 18, 2010
2010 Kidney Walk!
New Improvements on Treating Kidney Cancer!
Cake is Good
Puppy Photo Shoot!
Doc the puppy is super adorable, but I really have to wonder if his owners only got him a photo shoot in order to get him on The Daily Puppy.
Female Character Flowchart
Writer on Writing: Kay Cannon
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Kidney Walk 2010!
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Flowchart of Female Characters in TV, Film, and Books
Sunday, October 10, 2010
What the Organic Label Means
Things That You Think - Ben Folds Plus People!
New Drug to Treat CKD in Women!
Speaking of Harry Potter... New Trailer!
JK Rowling's Spreadsheet for HP 5 is Classy
/Film put up this incredible image of JK Rowling's outline for "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." I'm sure she had a ton more, but this is a very clever way to keep each chapter, date, and moving piece (and knowing HP, there are many moving pieces) integrated with the whole while still being clear and simple.
Maybe this is how I should be outlining my screenplays. Hmm, I don't know... then I'd run the very real risk of actually getting something done.
New Muppets Video! Starring Grover!
I'm not sure if I quite understand the point of this clip, but I still love it. Grover!
Cleverest Wedding Invite Ever!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The World's Smallest Stop-Motion Animation!
*Though the use of the dead bee totally weirded me out.
Friday, October 8, 2010
New Simon's Cat Cartoon!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Happy World Habitat Day!
Fortunately, over at World Habitat Day News they've got plenty of ways you can help with just the click of a mouse! Check it out. Maybe you can even find a build happening near you!
I know I'm going to send a letter to my representatives and take a picture to put on their Habitat wall tonight!
Plus, if you can't do anything today - that's ok! They've got plenty to do all week, so I'm sure if you send in your email or picture a little late, that'll be just fine.