I pose this question because sitting in the bathroom doing your business can be pretty boring. A lot of people read on the toilet, but, come on, I work with a lot of people in not so spacious quarters. Like Marshall in "How I Met Your Mother," I'd be embarrassed to announce to everyone that I'm going to go to the bathroom by carrying a magazine.
So until someone installs a well-stocked magazine rack in every bathroom in my building (and everywhere), I will continue to resort to my tried-and-true method of distraction: seeing what animals are hiding in the tiles on the bathroom floor, ceiling, and/or wall. It's like when you see shapes in the clouds, except instead of taking a break from your picnic and lying in the grass staring at the clouds with your boyfriend, you're in a bathroom staring at floor tiles trying not to think about what your body is up to at the moment. But you can pretend to be lying in the grass!
Personally, I think it's a fun challenge to try and see how many animals, objects, and characters you can find. Plus, you had the added challenge that, unlike clouds, tiles don't move and, depending on the bathroom, are identical to each other - seeing new things every time is certainly a difficult task!
Things I saw on my most recent trip:
1) Dumbo mid-flight, ears raised
2) A bunny
3) A little girl mole wearing reading glasses with a bow in her hair reminiscient of the characters in the "Arthur" book series.
What have you guys seen? What do you all do when you're bored on the pot?