With articles like, "Blonde is the New Green," and "Thoughts on the Daily News" like this:
The major news outlets have assured us that Arizona immigration protests are "mostly peaceful." I'm relieved that we can ignore the videos of rocks being thrown, people being arrested, police being hit in the head with bottles, people making gunfire hand-motions at officers, people yelling, running, backing down the riot police. It's all just Fox News camera tricks where they shake the camera to make it look worse. These are peaceful protests compared to the evil Tea Party protests where allegedly one person claimed to have heard the n-word spoken 15 times in just 2 seconds, and people were waving their flags in the air giving an ominous dagger and sword-like appearance. Old ladies sitting in some kind of intimidating metal, wheeled devices. Seemingly ready to attack at any moment. Attack chihuahuas on leashes, ready to be released on anyone with opposing views. The police can rest for now. At least until the next Tea Party rally. - Narf Biscuitsand cartoons like this:

(Seriously? Obama and Michelle as African cannibals? And these guys are not racists? What is Obama even wearing? A washboard? So is he a hillbilly Southern African cannibal? I bet it took them a while to come up with that great pun about "eating their own" and "coming to the table." That's almost, ALMOST as funny as a Mallard Fillmore comic.)
How can they take themselves seriously as funny? It's the epitome of all ironies. I keep trying to put myself in a Republican's shoes and trying to see if this is funny or not and it just isn't. Those aren't jokes. It's like they watched The Daily Show once and said, "I get that. I can do better than that," and then failed. Miserably.
Anyway, I hope they don't find out about this post because I'm sure they have some legal beagles who will destroy me. But since they probably don't have a large readership anyway, I'm just going to hope that this entertains you all.
Seriously!? Obama as an African cannibal!? Come on!
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