Friday, September 30, 2011

Hark! A Vagrant = Funny and Informative

Ok, maybe not so informative, but it's a really funny comic strip by Kate Beacon often based on historical or literary figures. I've certainly remembered a lot of stuff I learned in college while reading it, mainly because you have to in order to get some of the jokes (though not all). I really enjoy her interpretations of Nancy Drew covers, and one comic strip called "Tiny Hermione" which isn't really a joke, but is really adorable. This is another great example of how random and fun it is.

My friend Hillary Busis just did a great interview with her for because of her new Hark! A Vagrant book. I'm sure it's great!


  1. In that interview she agreed to date me!

  2. You guys should definitely date. You'd be so cute, and I wouldn't understand half of your conversations!
