Sunday, November 28, 2010

Spoiler Alert: Rich People Aren't Great at Empathy

Actually, it's all about context. If you think you're in an economically upper-class position, then you can't read people's emotions as well as if you think you're in an economically lower-class position. It's all in this study. Weird, huh? The authors posit that it's because if you're wealthy, you don't necessarily need to look for help in others, and therefore don't have to care or depend on relationships with others as much. Therefore, you wouldn't need to recognize their facial expressions. The really weird thing was that if the people in the study were tricked into thinking they were one status or another, their ability to recognize facial expression improved or got worse accordingly. Nuts!

Anyway, I just finished watched Season Three of "Veronica Mars," and that show's all about class warfare, so I thought it was interesting.

Also, the show (Veronica Mars) is great (though the third season was definitely not as good as the first two), and I really hope that Rob Thomas (the creator) and Kristen Bell (the star) get a chance to make a movie out of it. The finale of the third season was definitely not satisfying enough. Heck, it wasn't even a real ending. The show deserves better. If you're a fan and think so, too, email and tell them that! The more emails they get, the higher a chance there is that we'll get to see the movie someday!

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