Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sex And The Shitty Segues

Much as I love SATC (and I do), there must have been some sort of contest in the writer's room to see who could come up with the absolute worst segue.

My friend Alex says it's "Back the the Hotel Vasectomy, I spoke with the man sitting next to me" for the absurd attempt at rhyming and, of course, the use of vasectomy, but I suggest it's "While downtown, a dearly departed spirit, suddenly reappeared" for it's sheer WTF factor and also the fact that "dearly departed" is not generally used with "spirit" and if she suddenly "reappeared," why not just say disappeared, or if she's some sort of shaman or seer or something, go with that instead of calling her a spirit? Come on!

[via HuffPo TV]

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