Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Miracle!

Ok, miracle is a hyper-bole, but this is pretty darn cool:

A Swedish woman's long lost wedding ring reappeared in her vegetable garden over sixteen years later!

Talk about something being hidden right under your nose. The ring was lost while the woman, Lena, had been baking up holiday treats for her family in her kitchen. The family had thought the ring was lost inside the kitchen, and searched there for years.

Unbeknownst to them, the ring had fallen out of the kitchen window and into the vegetable garden below. Despite years of planting and replanting carrots there, the ring had not been found. However, this year Lena planted the carrot seeds randomly instead of in orderly rows. In addition to delicious carrots, her ring grew out of the ground!

It was a ring she had designed herself, and even sixteen years later, is in perfect condition.

What a wonderful end-of-the-year surprise, right?

I hope you ALL have wonderful end-of-the-year or beginning-of-the-year surprises, too!

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