Thursday, January 24, 2013

...And the GOP's Plan to Not Let it Happen Again

Spoiler alert: it's not from changing their policies and entering the realities of the 21st century, it's by allocating electoral votes in Democratic or Democratic-leaning swing states by gerrymandered districts instead of the current winner-take-all method, meaning that as much as your vote doesn't count now, it might not count at all in 2016.

TPM has a great write-up here, and Gawker has their snarky take here.

Just think, if this plan was in place for 2012, Obama would lose the electoral college even though he won five million more votes nationwide. That's just plain not democracy. I'm no fan of the electoral college. I don't understand what's wrong with letting the popular vote decide who wins an election. But this is much worse than the electoral college as (imperfectly) is.

Frankly, the way to win the White House isn't by making voting meaningless, it's by appealing to the majority of America through solid, inclusive, actionable policy plans that help lead America into a better and brighter tomorrow. If the GOP really wants to win, and by win I mean win the hearts and minds of Americans and make America the best country it can be, that's what they should be thinking about, not rigging the system against the people they're supposed to serve.

PS. Don't even get me started on gerrymandering!

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