Thursday, June 27, 2013

Coming to a theater near you: Captain F**king Planet!

I credit a couple of things for my obsessive-compulsive environmentalism.

1) My love of all things animal
2) Blanco (my family's old ranch in South Texas)
3) The commercial for the WWF that would play before my George of the Jungle cartoons that depicted the jaguar in the rainforest and said VERY DRAMATICALLY that if I didn't help save the rainforest they would all die. Here's the thing - they had every right to be dramatic. It's true. Deal with it.
4) Captain Planet. He is my hero. He is going to take pollution down to zero.

And now, CP is getting his very own movie. I know we're all upset about the various toy-and-other-nostalgia-based movies out there, but this is one I can get behind. Because if CP worked on me, he could work on this next generation.

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