Friday, March 12, 2010

This is Adorable... And Would Never Work in New York

It's official: People from Minnesota are nice.

This probably has to do with the fact that it's so miserably cold up there that everyone has to huddle together for warmth. When you're that close together, it doesn't pay to be a jerk - that's when you get shoved out of the hug circle into the cold with only your igloo or SUV to warm you (note: I have never been to Minnesota - it's in the Arctic, right?).

Anyway, these Minnesotans picked up on that super nice Pennsylvania diner thing (remember that? If not, click here) and were like, "Woah, WOAH - Nobody beats us at being nice or they get moose syrup in their eyes!" (seriously note: never been to Minnesota - was Fargo shot there?)

So they decided to get Crazy Nice on everyone's asses and perform 1,000 random acts of kindness over one month. Then they beat their own goal and performed 1,300.

Acts of Kindness included: (Bylines Written By New Yorkers)

- "Cleaned a very dirty and smelly microwave out for others." (By someone who got sick of the microwave at the office)

- "
My son left his wallet at the pump at holiday gas station. A customer brought it, the attendant called me. Nothing was taken." (By someone who hates free money)

- "Grabbed a salad dressing off the top shelf at the grocery store for an elderly couple." (By someone who then bought it and used it himself, right? Old people have great taste in salad dressing. It's one of the few things they can still eat. Bet it was tasty.)

- "I gave someone a package of brownies to have because she was having a bad day." (By someone who hates that B for being so darn skinny.)

And that's why this could never happen in New York. Though it would be nice.

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