Monday, February 28, 2011

Teen Feeds Millions of Dogs!

Ok, ok, rarely do I find anything beyond adorable pictures of puppies (mostly corgis!) at A Place to Love Dogs, but this article was too cute and "p'aawww" (get it!?!?) inspiring to pass up.

Apparently, some sweet kid named Mimi Ausland in Oregon started a website called FreeKibble, where you answer a trivia question and sponsors donate money to local animal shelters. Pretty awesome, huh?

Oh right, and she was ELEVEN when she started it! Can you believe it? When I was eleven, I went around school trying to get people to go to, but I failed - miserably!

Glad to see someone doesn't go to an all-girl's school where environmental stewardship was looked at a taping-up-a-locker-worthy offense. (Yes, girls tape up lockers, too. They're very mean!)

Seriously, it was like being in an episode Everyone Hates Chris, in that Everyone Hated Endangered Tree Frogs (and, by extension, Me).

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