Wednesday, March 28, 2012

True Customer Service

Mental Floss posted "11 of the Best Customer Service Stories Ever" a while back. They're well worth the read.

My favorite is this one from Trader Joe's:
4. Trader Joe’s
A Redditor’s 89-year-old grandfather got snowed in a couple years ago and didn’t have much in the house for meals. His daughter called several markets in the area to see if any of them had grocery delivery services, but the only one that said they did was Trader Joe’s. They don’t, actually, but were willing to help out this WWII vet. As the man’s daughter placed an order, the Trader Joe’s representative on the phone recommended other items that would be good for her dad’s low-sodium diet. An up-sell, you may be asking? Nope. They didn’t charge her a dime for the delivery or the groceries.
It's tough working in customer service. There are plenty of days when you just plain don't care about accommodating everyone's particular issue or problem, especially if it would bend the established rules. But sometimes, knowing you can really make a difference in a person's day - or in the Trader Joe's case, life - is enough to make you go the extra mile and really make sure that person's experience is exceptional and remind you why your job is important.

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