Monday, June 8, 2009

Dream Bloggin'

So last night I dreamt (and yes, Google, dreamt is a word. Both dreamed and dreamt work as past tense.) that I was a professional blogger. My job was to write this blog, another blog which was pretty much just this blog but fancier-looking, and then they wanted me to come up with a new blog, as well. I came up with a comedy blog that follows pre-production on upcoming comedies and and up-and-coming comedians, which I think is a legitimate idea but probably already exists.

Clearly, though, my subconscious is telling me that I need to quit my (unpaid) dayjob and start doing this full-time. Somehow, if I do this, someone will put me in an office and start paying me to keep doing it. Why? I'm not quite sure, but according my night-brain, that's what will happen.


  1. you're hired! ps hope your bosses aren't artful stew-ards.

  2. Not related to this post, but more evidence in support of your squirrel theories:
