Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hyperbole and a Half: Wolves

Allie has a new story up at Hyperbole and a Half! It's all about how she and her friends used to play wolf pack when they were kids and terrorized a neighborhood boy.

While it is certainly a funny story, I think she really wrote it so that she could draw a bunch of wolves. Who wouldn't?

My friends and I didn't run around playing wolves - we weren't that silly. No, my friends and I would run around playing spy dogs - secret agents out to save the world and also nap! And then around Christmas time we'd start playing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, which would mean acting out the whole Rudolph story on my friend's trampoline while her little Shetland Sheepdog would bark at us from the ground.

I was an awesome little girl.

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