Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hyper-Efficient Solar Cells: The (Light) Wave of the Future

Some research nerds over at Stanford have created the most efficient solar cell, one that can generate electricity from both light and heat.

Part of the reason solar isn't as competitive with oil as it should be is that most solar cells are pretty inefficient. A lot of power is lost because they can only turn light (photovoltaic cells) or heat (thermal cells) into electricity. By doing both simultaneously, this new cell has the potential to reach 60% efficiency, putting it well above the 30% efficiency that would price solar power equally to oil.

The Stanford researchers believe these cells will be most effective in large grids as opposed to household rooftops. They think that with the proper funding these new cells could revolutionize the solar power industry. I certainly hope so.

[via Pop Sci]

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