Monday, January 30, 2012

Political Link Round-Up

Here are a few newsy-politicsy based articles I found interesting today:

91% of Western Voters Say Protecting Public Lands is 'Essential' to the Economy, ThinkProgress

And who said middle America wasn't filled with a bunch of nature-loving conservationists? Ok, I don't know who did, but the Republicans certainly believe they don't. Looks like they're way off.

What's a Fair Minimum Wage, Gawker

This article is strong reminder of how numbers that seem harmless, like raising the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $8.50 an hour, can have a huge impact on people's lives. Conversely, it also shows how little of a safety we give to our lowest-paid workers. That raising the minimum wage to $8.50 would still only allow a low-paid worker to average $17,000 annually.

Outside Ad Buys Up 1,600%, Politico

Just another reminder of the disgusting amount of "legal" money the Citizen's United ruling has led to in this election.

Plaintiffs Challenging Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court Admit the Law is Constitutional, ThinkProgress

A brush-up on constitutional law (always fascinating) and how easily lawyers can lawyer-speak their way into holes - for once, though, this may work out in our favor.

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