Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TFL - Tabbed for Later

Alex Symonds over at Pajamarama has created a brand new acronym, TFL. She describes it as such:

TFL (tabbed for later), which you say when someone sends you a link to something and you don’t have time to look at it right then, but you’re opening it in another tab (or have already come across it and opened it in a tab) with the intent of checking it out when you can.  
There is an element of the social contract to TFL: it implies a promise to discuss the link in question once you’ve gotten around to it. TFL is for friends and lovers.

And a new acronym is born! Use it, enjoy it, and spread the word of this glorious internet language throughout the land.

Or, if don't have time to read this post right now, just TFL and let me know when you get to it, ok? Thanks!

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