Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Primary Care, Primary Pay?

This Washington Post article talks about how some primary care physicians are opting for a monthly subscription service instead of going through health insurers. It's an intriguing idea - like, pay $65 a month for (essentially) all the health services you need and that's it! That sounds pretty sweet.

The interesting part, though, is that you may still need real health insurance (for emergency care, specialists, etc), so you would have to pay two bills - one for your primary and one for your specialized care. That part doesn't make sense, especially since a lot of primary care services are supposed to be free under the new Health Care Law.

What do you all think? The idea of having a low monthly payment for most of the things you'd really need and all the doctor-access you want sounds great to me, but having to pay for regular health insurance on top of that seems like a bit of a rip off.

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