Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Texas Two-Step Towards Poverty

Something to keep in mind, Texans, as you face your budget deficit.

I understand that we all (and by we I mean wealthy) Texans love our low taxes, but isn't it more important to give poor children healthcare, food, and a good education than to build yet another two-lot medieval village in Highland Park?

I really don't want Texas to the become the Lone Rich Man State or the Lone Star-tingly Drop in Productive Workforce 20 Years from Now State, but it looks like we're well on our way there.

I know the big cities in Texas are getting bluer, so can we all come together to fight this out on behalf of our children as well as the rural ones (who, while their parents did vote the babuffoon'iest babuffoon of all into office, do not deserve this)? Or will we sit back, pretend that it's fine because at least Austin is a liberal town, and just watch it happen?

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