Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Give-a to Kiva!

Hey Readers,

So I love Kiva, the microlending website. I love it because I know exactly where my money is going, and then I get it back so I can give it out again! It (literally) is the gift that keeps on giving. What could be better than that? Kiva is my default present nowadays because it just brings so much joy to the people who give and those who receive.

Therefore, I've signed up to be on Kiva's bloglist. This means when they have big news or need some help, then I'm going to let you all know!

Today, they'd like to win the Chase Community Giving Contest. The winner of the contest gets $1 million from Chase Bank (and who doesn't want to take money from banks right now, am I right?) and the winner is determined entirely by votes! That's right guys, time to put your internet clicking skillz to use! If you're on the Facebooks, you can vote via a Facebook app (more info here). Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to vote besides through this app. Since I'm no fan of FBook Apps, I'd suggest signing up, voting, and then deleting the app off your page. It's that easy.

And whenever you need a quick $25 present for someone, why not turn to Kiva? They're awesome and help people out who really need it. And that's badass.

*(*)I know you're all aware of the horrible devastation going on in Haiti right now, so in case you need a friendly reminder to donate to charities that are helping out Haiti, consider this it! Americans have already donated over $150 million dollars, but they'll need every penny to help them rebuild over the ensuing years. For the Red Cross, text "Haiti" to 90999. For other organizations, try searching through this list.
(*)That first asterisk was not attached to anything, but it did a good job of getting your attention, didn't it?

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