Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union 2010

Before everybody comes over and rains on my parade with their spin and "he did too much but not enough," I'm just going to come out and say it - that was a great State of the Union address.

He discussed and elaborated on everything I wanted him to. He made proposals which I found strong. He was tough on his adversaries and his predecessor, but still found the moral high ground to admit his own setbacks. He called on the Democrats to (for Jeebus' sake) get things done (HEALTHCARE PLEASE!). He called on the Republicans to stop blocking every piece of legislation that comes through the door. He called on Congress to man up. He even knocked the Supreme Court for being corporatist d-bags. And all the while, he still talked about how he and Congress could work together to make America better for us now and for generations to come.

Because while our President may not be perfect, he's trying so hard to make things better for all of us and you just know that he will not give up until he does; that's why I admire the guy.

Well, that and because the looks exchanged between him and Michelle tonight made me blush by just how crazy in love with each other they are. They nearly beat me and my bf for Best Couple Ever (nearly!).

So just take a night, America, to lay down your critical, cynical arms, and embrace the fact that this is our guy and we can get it right just this once. Please. For me?

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