Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Harsh Reality of Adulthood

I'm hoping and wishing and knocking on wood that tomorrow won't bring the Snowpocalypse that weathermen everywhere are forecasting. Why?

Is it...

A) Because I'm worried about all the people who might experience power shortages and losses?
B) The damage it may do to people in need?
C) I know my job won't give me a snow day and I don't want to be insanely jealous of everyone else in New York that will?

Answer: C

Of course A and B, as well, but definitely C. I've never gotten to sled on a real hill in a real sled before. And while I don't own a sled, I know I could at least find a hill if I had the time.

Sigh. I'm finally in a place where there is snow, and I can no longer enjoy it. Unless it snows on a weekend. Valentine's Day Snow In, perhaps?

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