Thursday, April 30, 2009

Aparment Move-In Tips:

1) Trying to carry a box to your new apartment via the subway is a perilous, painful adventure. I would not recommend it. Trying to do this with all of your boxes may or may not end in failure. I quickly gave up the endeavor.

2) Trying to move bags and boxes in a cab is a much simpler, though more expensive, endeavor. Eventually you have to weigh how much you really, really don't want to drive a U-Haul vs. how much you secretly realize you're losing expense-wise.

3) Building IKEA goods is a fun, inexpensive form of exercise. That is, until the wheels on your swivel chair require you bashing them into the base of the chair with a makeshift rubber mallet (i.e. the rubber heel on your nice black boots).

4) When you realize the glasses you bought during your first, overwhelming (and clearly mind-numbing) IKEA trip are comically tall and awkwardly shaped, decide it was intentional, and use it as a conversation starter. They will also come in handy for funny cocktails, milk (or protein) shakes, and, really, they do hold a lot of water. That's a nice feature.

Good luck! But, please, don't break a leg. Yours, your friend's, or the leg of your swivel chair.

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