Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dude Ain't Thinkin'

This article from the NY Times really upset me. Sure, eating no salt is bad for you. You need salt in your body just like everything else, but Americans eat two to three times as much salt as anyone else in the world. Just look at Europeans. They've been eating about half as much salt as we do for hundreds of years and I think they've fared pretty well. How low is our life-expectancy now again?

Having been on a low-sodium diet for over six months now, I can tell you that you lose your taste for high-sodium products pretty quickly. Don't get me wrong. Like I said, no-sodium bread is disgusting, but low-sodium bread rocks. Simply put, too much salt is unnecessary. If we all cut back to a reasonable amount over time, we wouldn't notice the difference until we ate something with a high amount of salt and found it gross. And, to be honest, that's really what we need to be doing for a lot more than just salt.

Americans are too reliant on studies and proof that everything we love in any amount will make us happy. If we all focused less on proving this or that is good/bad for you and instead focused on just eating smaller portions and in those portions eating simple, unprocessed foods, we'd all be a lot healthier and a lot happier. Just like those darn Europeans.

If salt is a place to start, so be it... Well, as long as they don't replace the salt with a salt-like additive like they did with sugar, that is.

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