Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Why did it only hit me today that I will miss college?

I have no idea. Maybe it was because today I had my last lecture and workshop classes in college. EVER. Maybe it was the cool breeze and the perfect temperature outside that just made me want to lie in the grass and think about life. Maybe it was those delicious (vegan!!) brownies we had at my last screenwriting class. Maybe it was realizing that I won't see the familiar faces from my Columbia world anymore: my professors, my class-friends, the random movie posters that line the walls of Dodge. Oh jeez, I'm going to need to start using Facebook as a friend-maintainer!

Gah! Why do I suddenly have the urge to apply to graduate school? I wanted it to be over so badly, but I'm going to miss my weekly screenwriting sessions, my bitching about work that I secretly like doing, my obsessive need for approval by my professors, my making friends in classes and secretly hoping that when they get famous they'll help me out, and, weirdly enough, even the deadlines.

Thank goodness I'm signed up for Improv 101 at the UCB already. Now I just need to play the waiting game until another Sketch 301 shows up.

Can I start making my own deadlines? Or, more realistically, can I meet them? Who will tell me how to fix my writing now? I thrive on feedback! I am a feedback machine!

So, I guess what I'm really asking is: Anyone up for assembling an elite writing squad?

1 comment:

  1. The lack of feedback is totally my least favorite thing about not being in college anymore. I wish someone was grading my life and giving me semesterly reports!
